Pilgrimage Walk-a-Thon
Thank you for your continued support of our school.
Other Ways to Give
Pennsylvania Tax Credit Programs
Pennsylvania has established the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) scholarship programs. This is an incredible opportunity for Venango Catholic supporters to provide direct scholarship aid to VC students. Many businesses operating in Pennsylvania are eligible to apply for tax credits based on their contributions to qualified scholarship organizations. Shareholders of S Corporations and partners in general and limited partnerships have the added advantage of being able to pass the tax credits through their businesses to their Personal Income Tax liability.
Entities authorized to do business in Pennsylvania and subject to any of the following taxes are eligible to apply for EITC/OSTC tax credits.
- Corporate Net Income Tax
- Capital Stock Franchise Tax
- Bank and Trust Company Shares Tax
- Title Insurance Companies Shares Tax
- Insurance Premiums Tax
- Mutual Thrift Institutions Tax
For more information about the EITC/OSTC tax credits, please refer to the information prepared by the REACH Foundation. To help arrange an application for EITC/OSTC tax credits to support Venango Region Catholic School, please contact us.
Special Events
Venango Catholic High School has events throughout the year to welcome partners and community members to celebrate what VC has to offer. The Roast Beef Dinner in November, the Lenten Fish Fries and the VC golf outing in July are all ways to mingle with other VC supporters and give to the school. The calendar available on the school website will keep you informed of these and other special events at Venango Catholic High School.
Capital Gifts
In addition to regular operating expenses, Venango Catholic High School must invest in its buildings, grounds and durable goods to continue fulfilling its mission. Your capital gift is a gift restricted by the donor for specific repairs and upgrades to the school’s facilities and equipment. Capital gifts provide a valuable complement to the school by providing for exceptional investments.
Memorial Gifts
A memorial gift in memory of loved and admired people who have gone before us is an outstanding way to remember the beloved dead and to help Venango Catholic. Your memorial gift can be an unrestricted gift to the Viking Fund or a restricted capital gift. To make a memorial gift, please contact us.
Gifts in Kind
Venango Catholic High School will happily accept gifts of property in service to the school. The fair market value of such gifts is tax-deductible as a charitable contribution. The IRS requires appraisal of any gifts in kind with fair market value of $5000 or more. To help arrange a gift in kind, please contact us.
Planned Giving
A planned gift to Venango Catholic High School helps guarantee that your commitment to VC will continue far into the future. In addition to helping the school, a planned gift can also help you manage your own affairs. There are many different ways to establish a planned gift to the school including cash gifts, bequeaths, charitable annuities, trusts, life insurance, the transfer of property and real estate as well as others. Consult with your financial and legal advisors to determine the best way to see your partnership with Venango Catholic endure while meeting the needs of you and your family. To help arrange a planned gift or to notify VC of an existing planned gift, please contact us.
Contact Us
Venango Region Catholic School
1505 West 1st Street
Oil City, PA 16301