Campus Ministry

Venango Region Catholic School is committed to fostering the spiritual growth of students, faculty, and all members of the VRCS community.



“God will judge us this way: ‘I was hungry and you fed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was sick and you tended to me.’ Jesus’ meaning is clear: we must grow in love and compassion. The first question we must ask is what is our primary motivation? Is it to serve others? No work, no matter how well done, has value in God’s eyes unless it satisfies this requirement. Our work should be motivated to resolve suffering by serving humanity.”

– Mother Teresa’s Prescription: Finding Happiness and Peace in Service


Mother Teresa’s words remind us that through our service to others, we are directly serving God. At VRCS, we strive to teach students to be Christ’s disciples — carrying out messages of love and compassion to the world. An important part of our mission is to help students discover that alleviating others’ suffering is one of our primary objectives as Christians, which is why Christian service is a common thread throughout our schools.

Contact Us

St. Stephen School

214 Reed Street
Oil City, PA 16301


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