AP Courses

Advanced Placement Courses that challenge students to achieve their highest potential. 


Catholic schools have historically offered a proven formula for success. Our schools build upon that foundation, using leading edge educational strategies along with time-honored techniques.


  • Guided by a supernatural vision
  • Founded on a Christian anthropology
  • Animated by communion and community
  • Imbued with a Catholic world view throughout its curriculum
  • Sustained by Gospel witness

Source: The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools

AP Program

Advanced Placement is a program for students willing to apply their inquisitiveness, ability, and persistence to a particular academic area. Intellectually stimulated students can excel in AP classes; however, the program is also beneficial to competent students who succeed through application.

College credits and/or waivers are available through most colleges and universities if a sufficiently high score is achieved on a standardized AP test given at the end of the school year. A fee for the examination is paid in lieu of college tuition for the course. Families can realize a significant economic advantage through a student’s participation in AP classes.

Venango Catholic offers the following AP classes: Biology, Calculus (AB/BC), and English Literature and Composition. Teachers of these subjects have received College Board AP certifications. Admission to AP classes is made with permission from the instructor.

Venango Catholic embraces its long tradition of fidelity to the Gospel and educating the whole student, mind, body and spirit. Our teachers, administrators, parents and friends stand on the foundation of Christ’s teaching to assist our students in developing and practicing patterns of holiness that foster achievement and serve them for their lifetime. The values taught via experiences, modeling, self evaluation and respect prepare our students to be successful in a variety of post secondary education options, careers, and personal life events and circumstances.

Admissions Process

We invite prospective students and their parents to visit our school campuses together. Meet with our knowledgeable staff, take a guided tour during school hours and explore all of the opportunities afforded to enrolled students via the classroom, extra-curricular, and athletic experiences. Finish the tour with a Q&A session and by scheduling a Shadow Day.  Shadow Days can be scheduled for a half or whole day.

Venango Catholic Jr./Sr. High School encourages prospective students in 7th through 12th grade to become a Viking for the day by shadowing a current student. St. Stephen School welcomes students in Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade to become a Knight for the day. Experience the classes, lunch, and atmosphere by being immersed in all things VRCS!

Visits and shadow days may be arranged by calling 814.677.3098.

Applications are available online or you can reach out to the school via email and phone to get assistance in every aspect of the process. A completed application review is conducted by the school administration.

As a distinctly Catholic school, VRCS welcomes students of all backgrounds and does not discriminate against qualified students based on race, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, disability or age, as required by law in the administration of its educational policies, admissions procedures, financial aid/scholarship awards, and/or any other administered programs. While fulfilling financial commitments is a requirement for continued enrollment at Venango Region Catholic School, the school does not use financial information to make decisions regarding admission.

Contact Us

St. Stephen School


214 Reed Street
Oil City, PA 16301


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